Stationt 14 Gibsons
Station 37 Sooke
Station 20 Salish Seas
Station 50
April 12th, 2007
April 12th, 2007

National Volunteer Week: April 15-21, 2007

National Volunteer Week pays special tribute to Canadian volunteers across the country who give of themselves to better their communities and the lives of others. I cant think of a better description of CCGA-P volunteers - the hours our volunteers donate to both search & rescue and boating safety activities have an enormous impact on the communities our units serve.

While our higher profile activities receive public attention, significant work is also done at less visible levels. Unit meetings, area teleconferences, training sessions, and member recruitment drives are just a few examples of the "behind the scenes" work done by our volunteers to contribute to the success of our programs and to enrich our communities.

National Volunteer Week is a special time set aside in April each year to honour and recognize Canadians who donate time and energy to their fellow citizens. National Volunteer Week also raises awareness of the vital contribution volunteers make to our communities and our country.

To learn more about National Volunteer Week and how it began, please go to:

Again, I thank all of you for your commitment to our organization and the communities we serve.

Bruce Falkins
President, CCGA-P

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