Station 20 Salish Seas
Stationt 14 Gibsons
Station 50
Station 37 Sooke
May 11th, 2008
May 11th, 2008

New Crew Standards

The new crew standards lay down the annual seatime requirements for coxswains and crews, minimum qualified crew on board for each type of vessel, and individuals qualifications.
The requirements for seatime are a minimum of 25 hours in the previous calender year for coxswains and 20 hours for crew
In addition those stations operating partially enclosed, the crew standards lay down the need for having on board a crew member trained in Simulated Electronic Navigation (Limited), a Transport Canada course or the CCGA-Ps own SIMnav course.
These requirements are summarised below:

Fast Response Craft

All Boats         Type 1 FRC            Type 2 FRC          Type 3 FRC

Vessel Type       Hurricane 640, 733    Length < 35 feet    Length 40 ft
                    and 753             Greater than 5 GRT
                  Zodiac Mk.V, VI,and
                  Titan 220, 249, 249XL
                  Others (Aux 2, Aux 60,
                  Aux 27 Whaler, etc)
                  5 GRT or less
Configuration     Delta
                  T Top
                  Partially Enclosed
                  Fully Enclosed        Fully Enclosed      Fully enclosed

Machinery         Single or twin        Twin water jets     Twin Water jets
                  inboard or outboard
Self Righting     No                    Yes                 Yes
Coxswain Minimum  25                    25                  25
  Annual Hours
Crew Minimum      20                    20                  20
  Annual Hours
Crew Basic       PCOC, ROC(M),         PCOC, ROC(M),       PCOC, ROC(M),
  Qualifications  SFA + CPR(C)          SFA + CPR(C)        SFA + CPR(C)
Open Boats
Minimum Crew      2                     NA                  NA
Coxswain          RHIOT                 NA                  NA
Crew 1            Attained Crew Level   NA                  NA
Crew 2            NA                    NA                  NA

Partially Enclosed or Enclosed Boats
Minimum Crew      3                     3                   3
Coxswain          RHIOT                 RHIOT + 60t         RHIOT + 60t
                                        Limited Course      Limited Course
Crew 1            Attained Crew Level   Attained Crew Level Attained Advanced
Crew 2            Attained New Crew     Attained New Crew   Attained Crew Level
SEN L or SIMNav   1                     1                   1

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