Station 20 Salish Seas
Stationt 14 Gibsons
Station 37 Sooke
Station 50
September 19th, 2005
September 19th, 2005

New Vessel Dedication

In attendance: CCGA-P Vice President Bruce Falkins, CCGA members from Gibsons, Pender Harbour and Howe Sound, representing the Canadian Coast Guard, the 47ft motor life boat Cape Caution, her master and crew from Powell River, supporters of CCGA-P Unit 12, and many members of the local community.

The new vessel has been named Ken Moore in honour of the first CCGA-P Unit 12 Leader for Halfmoon Bay. Ken Moore has a long varied career in both the Canadian Navy and Search and Rescue and still maintains the position of Boating Saftey Officer with CCGA-P Unit 12.
Ken Moore christened the New Rescue Vessel after a blessing by Reverend Jim Erb with the traditional breaking of a champaigne bottle on the bow.

The public enjoyed great food, a chance to win a 50/50 draw, and rides in the new vessel.

The Merry Island Antique sale brought in close to $400 and the 50/50 draw Totalled over $400.00 where the winner, Cliff of HMBay, donated half of his winnings ($103) back to CCGA-P Unit 12. These funds will be put towards purchase of the vessel.

Members of CCGA-P Unit 12 would like to thank Brian Stapleton IGA for donating all of the food, beverages and CCGA-P Unit 12 Zodiac cake; Peter Teeven and family for donating the Merry Island antiques; Reverend Jim erb for the blessing; and Kal and Ann Halyar (Porpoise Bay Charters) for the BBQ.

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