Station 50
Station 20 Salish Seas
Stationt 14 Gibsons
Station 37 Sooke
July 12th, 2006
July 12th, 2006

CCGA Elects New CEO

Malcolm Dunderdale
Malcolm Dunderdale
Malcolm joined the organization in 1978 and served the CCGA in a wide variety of roles, including Crewmember, Coxswain, SAR instructor, Marine Radio Operator Instructor, and PCOC Instructor Unit Leader, Zone Director, Vice President and President of CCGA-Pacific.

He spearheaded numerous projects for the CCG Auxiliary in the Pacific region, including the formation of an Ethics Committee, Board of Directors Orientation Manual, creation of the CCGA-P Website and the Kids Dont Float Program. He also joined a number of local and regional committees, including the Equipment, By-Law and Awards Committees including assisting the USCGA in establishing a dedicated SAR fast response vessel program in the state of Alaska.

In 2004, Malcolm was presented with the Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary Leadership Medal.

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