Station 20 Salish Seas
Station 50
Station 37 Sooke
Stationt 14 Gibsons

Welcome RHIOT School Candidates!

This page is intended for those of you who have been tentatively chosen to attend the Canadian Coast Guardīs Rigid Hull Inflatable Operator Training (RHIOT) School, and those at the stations who are responsible for the nomination process.  

The CCG allocate a number of seats at RHIOT school each season which runs from September to May. Due to the limited number of seats, only chosen candidates will obtain a seat.

Stations are asked to provide nominations by the 31 March each year, ready for the season starting in September. These nominations should be the crew who will be most useful to the station as coxswains, should they attend and pass. Nominees from past years who have been preRHIOTed will remain on the list unless informed by the station they are no longer eligible.

The allocation of seats is made by a committee, who assigns seats to those stations who have the greatest need. However, it is suggested that all candidates complete the Pre-RHIOT tests and medical as soon as possible, as the CCGA-P is often asked to fill seats at the last minute.

Successful completion of a preRHIOT means that that person is ready to attend RHIOT and successfully pass. This includes seamanship, navigation and knowledge of the Collision Regulations. If they are not ready they will not pass preRHIOT and will have to have a further re-examination when they are deemed ready.

Prepare yourself for an exciting seven days on the West Coast. The course is designed to train people in the operation of rigid hull type vessels in extreme weather conditions, and search and rescue!  This course is physically and mentally demanding.  Course duration is approximately 70 hours with many night lectures and night operations. We ask that you prepare yourself with physical conditioning prior to attending the course. If you have history of back or knee problems you should discuss your attendance with a physician.  Remember, this course is run during the fall and winter off the west coast and that the sea is a diverse and potentially unpredictable environment. Our aim is to have the students leave with confidence in themselves and the vessels they operate.

Below you will find a wealth of information on what you need to do to get prepared for RHIOT school.  Please visit each link to learn all there is to know about preparing for RHIOT school.

RHIOT Prerequisites:

Learn more about the training and testing you will be required to complete prior to departing for RHIOT school.

Trip Planning,Preparation and Conduct:

Information on arranging travel to RHIOT School (Bamfield), and on what equipment and gear to bring with you, as well as conduct expected while at RHIOT.

RHIOT School Curriculum:

This page outlines the course content, plus provides the Transport Canada Collision Regulations on which students will be tested.

RHIOT School Preparatory Materials

RCM-SAR strongly advices all RHIOT School students complete a number of practice exercises and quizzes to prepare for RHIOT.

You will be nominated for RHIOT by your Station Leader based on your ability and potential in the Auxiliary.  Preparation for this course will require hard work and effort on your part, but the rewards will be enormous.  It is suggested that you start working immediately with your Station Leader, Station Training Officer, and other Coxswains in order to adequately prepare yourself. Develop both your seamanship and your leadership skills and go in with the mindset that you will be taking charge of a rescue vessel, a crew, and an operation.

We want to make your experience at RHIOT School a successful one, so if you have any questions or require any further information regarding the RHIOT course please donīt hesitate to contact us.



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