Station 37 Sooke
Stationt 14 Gibsons
Station 20 Salish Seas
Station 50

RHIOT School Curriculum

Courses start 0800 hrs on Thursday at the SAR School (up-stairs at the CCG Station) and run each day, including the Wednesday you leave. Two exams will be written:

1. COLLISION REGULATIONS will be written the first day of class (Thursday) at 0800 hrs

70% is required on each exam to qualify for the RHIOT certificate, and it is important that you are fully prepared. The large majority of the questions in the tests are written answers, some short, some fairly long, with a very few multiple choice, and only two or three true or false style.

The course concludes approximately at 1200 hrs the second Wednesday, students will then return to Victoria (ETA 1830 hrs).

You will find an outline of the course schedule below.  Mornings are set out for classroom instruction with afternoons conducted on the water. An outline of the schedule is attached.   Please note the schedule is subject to change.

A brief review will cover:
  • Protective Clothing
  • Confined Manoeuvring
  • Propellers
  • Boat Handling
  • Removing People From Water

Without references students will demonstrate a basic knowledge of and/or practical ability in:
  1. Safety Protocols
  2. Rough Weather Ops.
  3. Chart Work
  4. Engine/Tubes/Hull
  5. Emergency Procedures
  6. Station Keeping/Waves
  7. Vessel Pilotage
  8. Electronic Aids to Nav
  9. Pacing/Boarding
  10. Towing
  11. Vessel Trim
  12. Communications
  13. Maintenance
  14. Collision Regulations
  15. Searches/Patterns
  16. Lateral Buoyage System
  17. Cardinal Buoyage System

RHIOT School Schedule

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Welcome orders and medicals Communication PPT Wave Theory PPT Towing PPT Tubes Classroom U/W Heavy Wx RHIOT Examination
Collision Regs Test PIW Lifts PPT Heavy WX PPT A/S Towing PPT Hull Classroom U/W Station Keeping Critiques & Debrief
Emergency Procedures PPT Capsize Reversal PPT Station Keeping Classroom U/W A/S Towing Searches PPT Hazardous Occurance PPT Clean V/Līs
Clothing & P.P.E U/W Lifts Basic Pilotage Prep. U/W Towing Electronic Chart Run Sechart Middle Cove Video Stn. Clean-up & Equipment return
Boat & Daily Inspections U/W Capsize U/W Pilotage U/W Heavy WX U/W Search Patterns Debrief Depart for Victoria @ 1100 hrs.
Clothing Issue U/W Engine Restart U/W Station Keeping U/W Heave WX Position Orientation Review
U/W Basic Manouvering Radar Pacing PPT U/W Timed Runs U/W Heavy Weather
U/W Slalom Course Plotter U/W Pacing Dinner Break & Fuel V/Līs Dinner Break
U/W Approaches to PIW Fueling PPT U/W Heavy WX D/R Prep Electronic Night Run Prep
U/W Trim & Tint Collision Avoidance O/B Mechanical Quiz Pilotage Exercise Classroom U/W D/R Night Run U/W Electronic Night Run
1700 Hrs. 1900 Hrs. 1900 Hrs. Debrief 2300 Hrs. Debrief 2300 Hrs. 1700 Hrs.
Click here to download a copy of the scheduleClick here to download a copy of the schedule

RHIOT School uses Raymarine C-70 electronics. Students should make an effort to become familiar with the functions of these before they attend RHIOT School.

Required Collision Regulation Study Rules:
See marked up set of Collision Regulations (blue text) for required knowledge for initial examination at RHIOT


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