RHIOT School Trip Planning, Preparation and Conduct
Travel Planning
You are required to contact the RCM-SAR Office on 778-352-1780, or email
operations.assistant@rcmsar.com to discuss your travel plans at least 2 weeks prior to departure.
You will be compensated for the most cost effective means of travel which isn´t always driving. The Canadian Coast Guard provides vehicle transportation to and from Bamfield from several locations on Vancouver Island. Please see below the timetable for the transport van, which leaves on the first Wednesday of every course.
Please arrive at the pick-up locations at least 15-minutes prior to departure time.
Departs Victoria: 10:00 am
Address: Commissionaire´s booth located at the main gate of the Coast Guard Base on 25 Huron Street.
Departs Duncan: 11:00 am
Address: Burger King
Ladysmith: 11:30 am
Address: Huskey Station
Departs Nanaimo: 12:00 pm
Address: RCMP Marine Detachment 4412 Boban Drive
Departs Port Alberni: 1:30 pm
Address: Clutesi Haven Marina 5104 River Road
Trip Details
The trip to Bamfield takes approximately 4.5 hours from Victoria. There will be stop for lunch in Nanaimo at 12:15pm at Woodgrove Mall.
Transportation, accommodation and meals are included in the course. If for health reasons you require a specific diet, prior notification is required. You will be staying (and eating) at the McKay Bay Lodge in Bamfield. The phone number there is (250) 728-3323 and email is
mckaybay@island.net if you want to notify them about dietary restrictions.
Trip Expenses
You are entitled to claim
approved transportation expenses for your travel to RHIOT. Your travel claim form should be completed on the SAR Management System online. It is important that you understand that the office must receive the Travel Claim within 30 days of the first day of your travel. Check with your Station Leader if you have any questions about this.
Equipment and Gear List
RHIOT School provides much of the necessary gear and equipment needed to attend the course. Therefore, students are instructed to bring minimal gear and equipment to the course. Space limitations on the CCG van also prohibits students from bringing unnecessary items.
Please click here to view the gear list for all RHIOT students.
Important Contact Numbers
If you have any difficulties on route to your scheduled course, here are some important phone numbers for you to have with you:
RCM-SAR Operations Assistant: 778-352-1780
RHIOT School: 250.728.3485
CCG Station Bamfield: 250.728.3359
Commissionaire Victoria: 250.480.2600
CCG SAR Training Officer: 250.480.2740
Conduct at Bamfield
When attending RHIOT all members are guests of the Canadian Coast Guard. As such they should behave as such, and should not initiate any political comments about the relationship between the Canadian Coast Guard and the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue. They are to also refrain from responding to similar comments from anyone at RHIOT.