Station 37 Sooke
Stationt 14 Gibsons
Station 50
Station 20 Salish Seas

RHIOT Prerequisites

There are a number of prerequisites for RHIOT School.  These must be completed prior to departure.

  1. Vessel Familiarization:
    The vessels used at RHIOT are two twin engine delta console 753 RHIBs and one 733 RHIB.
    For those candidates that do not normally operate a twin engine RHIB, a minimum of 1-hour familiarization should be undertaken.  This vessel familiarization should be completed before your On-The-Water Evaluation and should include a daily inspection, slow-speed boat handling and docking, man overboard (MOB) procedures and basic towing skills. If your station does not have access to a twin engine RHIB, your Station Leader can make arrangements.

  2. On The Water Evaluation (OTW):
    Each candidate will participate in an OTW evaluation that will assess Basic Crew Level and some Advanced Crew Level Standards. Part of this evaluation will consist of a night time navigation run, part of which using the electronics, part of which without. This evaluation will be scheduled through the RHIOT Coordinator, and be carried out by a Coxswain of another Station.

  3. Transport Canada Seafarers Medical:
    You must have a valid Transport Canada Seafarers Medical in order to attend RHIOT training.  Your seat will only be confirmed on successful completion of the medical. Please click here to read more about how to obtain a TC medical.

  4. Transport Canada Small Vessel Operators Certificate (SVOP)l:
    You must have a valid Transport Canada Small Vessel Operators Proficiency Certificate in order to attend RHIOT training.  Your seat will only be confirmed on if you have this prior to the course.

  5. Transport Canada Marine Emergency Duties (MED-A3)l:
    You must have a valid Transport Canada Marine Emergency Duties A3 Certificate in order to attend RHIOT training.  Your seat will only be confirmed on if you have this prior to the course.

  6. Radio Operators Certificate - Maritime (ROC-M)l:
    You must have a valid ROC-M Card in order to attend RHIOT training.  Your seat will only be confirmed on if you have this prior to the course.

  7. Pre-RHIOT Online Exam:
    You will need to complete the online Pre-RHIOT Quiz on the SAR Management System as soon as possible. It takes one hour from when the quiz is started, so you will need to give yourself enough time to complete it in one sitting. It consists of 60 multiple choice questions covering most aspects of the crew, and advanced crew levels, including the collision regulations. The system will automatically mark the quiz, and the results will appear in your personal log.  The minimum grade to pass the exam is 85%.  You will need to enter the access code below to enter the exam.

    Please complete Exam #5 PRE-RHIOT
    Access Code = 14.PRDR200905
    Click here to go the exam page

  8. Please Note: If you have any concerns with your ability to successfully complete any element of RHIOT School, it is your responsibility to inform the office as soon as possible, as well as to inform the RHIOT teachers upon your arrival in Bamfield. This includes any learning disabilities such as reading, writing, speech or language troubles, vision or hearing difficulty, balance, injuries etc. Alternative testing can be arranged if we are informed well in advance.



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