Station 50
Station 37 Sooke
Station 20 Salish Seas
Stationt 14 Gibsons

Transport Canada Seafarer Medical

In order to be eligible to attend RHIOT School you must be in possession of a valid Transport Canada Seafarer´s Medical. Medicals expire two years from the date they were performed. The medical consists of a colour vision test, a hearing test (audiogram), and a physical.  You are responsible for booking your own appointment.  Once you have the date set, please contact the Operations Assistant at or phone 778-352-1780 to confirm you have a date.

Required Actions:

1. Select Accredited Physician & Book Appointment:
Click here to view a list of accredited physicians who can perform Transport Canada Seafarer Medical exams.  If the link doesn´t work "cut and paste" or type the following URL into your browser address bar:

2. Download Billing Form for Doctor´s Office

Some physicians will be able to bill the Coast Guard Auxiliary directly to the address below.
Please click here to print the form to give to the doctor´s office.Please click here to print the form to give to the doctor´s office.

If the physicians´ office will not bill us directly, please submit your receipt with social insurance number and mailing address to the head office.

Once the exam is complete, the physician will give you your certificate that day, which will state whether you meet the requirements or not. A copy of the certificate needs to be sent to:


or mail to:

Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue
6040 East Sooke Road,
Sooke, B.C. V9Z 0Z7
Phone: 778.352.1780
Fax: 778.352.1781

Please keep the original for your own records.


If you have any concerns with your ability to successfully complete any element of RHIOT School, it is your responsibility to inform the office ASAP, as well as to inform the RHIOT teachers upon your arrival in Bamfield. This includes any learning disabilities such as reading, writing, speech or language troubles, vision or hearing difficulty, balance, injuries or anything else that may not be covered by this medical exam. Alternative testing can be arranged if we are informed well in advance.

If you have any questions please call the RCM-SAR Operations Assistant at 778-352-1780.

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