Stationt 14 Gibsons
Station 50
Station 37 Sooke
Station 20 Salish Seas

Volunteer Marine Search and Rescue

As an integral part of the Canadian Search and Rescue (SAR) system, the mission of Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCM-SAR) is to provide a volunteer marine rescue service and to promote public boating safety on the lakes, the inland straits and waters, and the Pacific Ocean coast of British Columbia in Canada.

The Canadian Coast Guard Auxiliary -Pacific rebranded to Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue in May 2012 to reiterate the fact that we are a non profit organization and  our crews are all volunteers.  To stay up-to-date on Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue, please visit:  

Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue - Pacific Stations on the British Columbia Coast
Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue - Pacific Stations on the British Columbia Coast

The Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue is a volunteer organisation of over 1,000 people from many backgrounds who give up a great deal of their own time to train, be trained, and be on standby, in case they are needed to respond to a marine emergency on the water. These volunteers have the use of modern well equipped rescue vessels that are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue's area of operations is based on the Pacific coast of British Columbia which has more than 27,000 kilometres of rugged coastline, over 6,000 islands (most uninhabited), and approximately 450,000 square kilometres of internal and offshore waters.

It is a challenge to provide search and rescue response capability to such a large area, and our volunteers meet the challenge with determination and professionalism, and assist those in peril on the sea.

Overall Stats (Last 12 Months)
SAR/Safety Units 31
Administrative Units 5
Assets 50
Personnel (crew) 855
Personnel (non-crew) 99
SAR Missions 442
Total Mission Hours 964.56
Training Exercises 2627
Total Training Hours 6466.50
Classroom Sessions 1540
Total Classroom Hours 2587.50
Other Activities 3259
Total Activity Hours 8919.60
Total Hours 18938.16
Person Hours 69032.98
People Assisted 278
People Saved 56
Property Value $7,887,795.00


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